



这年头想正常上网不翻墙都不行,实在受不了tor的速度了,网上google一下原来大家都换代了... 用VPN或SSH,我没有自己的空间,那就只能VPN了... 我是gnome桌面,需要:
1.networkmanager networkmanager-applet networkmanager-pptp(在aur中,注意这个一定要装,否则在networkmanager中的vpn选项不可用)并把 networkmanager加入开机daemon中(如果你之前用的是别的网络管理器,那要把它从daemon中去掉)
2. 在networkmanager中选择vpn选项卡,然后填入你的vpn帐号密码,需要使用vpn时,点击右上角的networkmanager-applet选择vpn即可......
这里有一篇指导在linux中利用ItsHidden VPN的文章,讲得很详细,不过在这里汗一下~~!我申请了ItsHidden帐号,怎么刚申请就显示状态为offline(资源已用尽...),哎 最近人品爆发....做什么都不顺....

How to set up ItsHidden VPN connection for Linux
1. Run the following command in a terminal:

sudo apt-get install network-manager-pptp

2. Click on the network manager icon in the task bar and select VPN Connections and then Configure VPN. In the VPN configuration window, click Add then click Next and the second page, under Connect To, select PPTP Tunnel and then click Next.
In the Connection Tab:

a. Under Connection Name enter ItsHidden
b. Under Gateway enter vpn.itshidden.com
c. Under username and password, enter the username and pass you enter when creating a ItsHidden account
3. On the Advanced options, check the option "Use Point-to-Point Encryption (MPPE)" and select 128 bit type encryption.
4. Apply the changes and go to the network manager in the notification area and right click it, click on "VPN Connections" and choose the newly created "ItsHidden" connection -> you should now be connected to the VPN. If you have successfully connected, a small 'lock' icon will be displayed next to the connection icon in your notification area like in the image below:




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